making your house a home

making your house a home

  • Questions To Ask Your Lawn Treatment Service

    Lawn treatments include tasks like fertilizing, weed prevention, and pest control. Having the right treatments done improves the health of your lawn and makes it much easier to maintain. The following can help you get the right treatments for your landscaping. What Pests Does the Service Treat? In some areas, it is necessary to treat for certain lawn pests, such as grubs. It helps to know what types of pests are most likely to cause problems in your area and then choose a service that provides treatments for those specific pests.

  • 3 Good Options In Waterproof Flooring For Your Laundry Room

    If your laundry room needs a makeover, you may be considering the best type of flooring to install. A laundry room has special needs since the potential risk of water spills is high. However, in addition to waterproof flooring, you may also want flooring that's attractive. Here are three good flooring options for your laundry room. 1. Ceramic Tiles Ceramic tiles are installed with grout so that water won't leak under the tiles and cause damage.

  • Insight To Keep Your Home Safe With The Right Door Locks

    You may not consider how important your home's door locks are until your home has been entered by a burglar. Take some time and update your home security with door lock maintenance and improvements where they are needed. Here are some recommendations that you can use to make your home more secure and protected with the right door locks. Maintain Your Door Locks The locks on your home's exterior doors are a big part of your home's security.

  • Benefits of Installing a Two-Sided Wall Aquarium

    A lot of people think of aquariums for their homes as simple tanks to place on tables or dressers, but the reality is that there are many other choices at your disposal. If you're an aquarium lover and you plan to keep fish for a long time, one option is to have a large, two-sided aquarium installed in a wall. This is a big undertaking, as the size and weight of the tank mean that the wall will require a significant amount of reinforcement.

  • 3 Things You Need To Do Now To Prevent A Winter Rodent Infestation

    If you're like many homeowners, you're too busy enjoying the summer to spend much time worrying about getting ready for winter. However, spending a bit of time now on prevention strategies designed to keep rodents from infiltrating your home for the winter will ensure that you also enjoy the holiday season and beyond after temperatures turn cold. Keep in mind that early-to-late autumn, depending on location, is when rodent species such as mice and rats begin their migration to indoor environments to keep cozy for the cold months ahead.

  • 2024© making your house a home
    About Me
    making your house a home

    The place we call home should be just that - a home. You should feel nothing but comfort and peace when you are at home. The layout and the way that you decorate your home will have a significant impact on the level of comfort you experience. This blog will provide you with several tips that will help you create the most comfortable and inviting place to call home. By the time you reach the conclusion, you will have ideas swirling through your mind of what you will do to your home next to improve how it looks and feels.
